Amazing SMS Services

SMS marketing is a very common practice among companies trying to promote their product and vying for more exposure & consumer support. Companies send out attractive messages to numbers registered with them inviting customers to avail their lucrative offers. This has been a common practice among competitors since mobile phones started making a place in India and changed the dynamics of marketing leaving behind the old conventional methods.

Sonic Technologies are working in this SMS Marketing field from the last 8+ years and roviding a best to best services. Taking a motto of providing a superior quality and services.

SMS Marketing
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Features of Our SMS Marketing Service

Data Collection

Successful marketing campaigns start with gathering information. By using your SMS campaigns to collect data, you can get to know your customers quickly and efficiently.

Link Shrinking

Link shrinking reduces your hyperlinks to just a few characters so they don’t take up too much space in a text message. At Textedly, every plan comes with built-in link shrinking.

Drip Campaigns

Automation is becoming a more significant part of marketing every day, especially when it comes to SMS campaigns. Drip campaigns use automated text marketing software features to send a series of time-delayed text messages to your subscribers.

SMS Surveys

While surveys are the most effective way to learn about your customers, it can be hard to get customers to fill them out. But with SMS surveys, you can get quick insights without disrupting their day.
